'use strict'
'use strict'
Third-party libraries.
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
JavaScript classes which are instantiated with new
Dispatcher = require 'chaplin/dispatcher'
Layout = require 'chaplin/views/layout'
Composer = require 'chaplin/composer'
Router = require 'chaplin/lib/router'
A mix-in that should be mixed to class.
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
Independent global event bus that is used by itself, so lowercased.
mediator = require 'chaplin/mediator'
The bootstrapper is the entry point for Chaplin apps.
module.exports = class Application
Borrow the extend
method from a dear friend.
@extend = Backbone.Model.extend
Mixin an EventBroker
for publish/subscribe functionality.
_.extend @prototype, EventBroker
Site-wide title that is mapped to HTML title
title: ''
The application instantiates three core modules:
dispatcher: null
layout: null
router: null
composer: null
started: false
constructor: (options = {}) ->
@initialize options
initialize: (options = {}) ->
Check if app is already started.
if @started
throw new Error 'Application#initialize: App was already started'
Register all routes. You might pass Router/History options as the second parameter. Chaplin enables pushState per default and Backbone uses / as the root per default. You might change that in the options if necessary: @initRouter routes, pushState: false, root: '/subdir/'
@initRouter options.routes, options
Dispatcher listens for routing events and initialises controllers.
@initDispatcher options
Layout listens for click events & delegates internal links to router.
@initLayout options
Composer grants the ability for views and stuff to be persisted.
@initComposer options
Mediator is a global message broker which implements pub / sub pattern.
Start the application.
Chaplin.Dispatcher sits between the router and controllers to listen for routing events. When they occur, Chaplin.Dispatcher loads the target controller module and instantiates it before invoking the target action. Any previously active controller is automatically disposed.
initDispatcher: (options) ->
@dispatcher = new Dispatcher options
Chaplin.Layout is the top-level application view. It does not inherit from Chaplin.View but borrows some of its functionalities. It is tied to the document dom element and registers application-wide events, such as internal links. And mainly, when a new controller is activated, Chaplin.Layout is responsible for changing the main view to the view of the new controller.
initLayout: (options = {}) ->
options.title ?= @title
@layout = new Layout options
initComposer: (options = {}) ->
@composer = new Composer options
Chaplin.mediator is a singleton that serves as the sole communication channel for all parts of the application. It should be sealed so that its misuse as a kitchen sink is prohibited. If you do want to give modules access to some shared resource, however, add it here before sealing the mediator.
initMediator: ->
Chaplin.Router is responsible for observing URL changes. The router is a replacement for Backbone.Router and does not inherit from it directly. It's a different implementation with several advantages over the standard router provided by Backbone. The router is typically initialized by passing the function returned by routes.coffee.
initRouter: (routes, options) ->
Save the reference for testing introspection only. Modules should communicate with each other via publish/subscribe.
@router = new Router options
Register any provided routes.
routes? @router.match
Can be customized when overridden.
start: ->
After registering the routes, start Backbone.history.
Mark app as initialized.
@started = true
Freeze the application instance to prevent further changes.
Object.freeze? this
disposed: false
dispose: ->
Am I already disposed?
return if @disposed
properties = ['dispatcher', 'layout', 'router', 'composer']
for prop in properties when this[prop]?
@disposed = true
You're frozen when your heart's not open.
Object.freeze? this