'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
mediator = require 'chaplin/mediator'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
View = require 'chaplin/views/view'
'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
mediator = require 'chaplin/mediator'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
View = require 'chaplin/views/view'
Shortcut to access the DOM manipulation library.
$ = Backbone.$
module.exports = class Layout extends View
Bind to document body by default.
el: 'body'
Override default view behavior, we don’t want document.body to be removed.
keepElement: true
The site title used in the document title. This should be set in your app-specific Application class and passed as an option.
title: ''
Collection of registered regions; all view regions are collected here.
globalRegions: null
'beforeControllerDispose mediator': 'scroll'
constructor: (options = {}) ->
@globalRegions = []
@title = options.title
@regions = options.regions if options.regions
@settings = _.defaults options,
titleTemplate: (data) ->
st = if data.subtitle then "#{data.subtitle} \u2013 " else ''
st + data.title
openExternalToBlank: false
routeLinks: 'a, .go-to'
skipRouting: '.noscript'
Per default, jump to the top of the page.
scrollTo: [0, 0]
mediator.setHandler 'region:show', @showRegion, this
mediator.setHandler 'region:register', @registerRegionHandler, this
mediator.setHandler 'region:unregister', @unregisterRegionHandler, this
mediator.setHandler 'region:find', @regionByName, this
mediator.setHandler 'adjustTitle', @adjustTitle, this
Set the app link routing.
@startLinkRouting() if @settings.routeLinks
Handler for the global beforeControllerDispose event.
scroll: ->
Reset the scroll position.
position = @settings.scrollTo
if position
window.scrollTo position[0], position[1]
Handler for the global dispatcher:dispatch event. Change the document title to match the new controller. Get the title from the title property of the current controller.
adjustTitle: (subtitle = '') ->
title = @settings.titleTemplate {@title, subtitle}
Internet Explorer < 9 workaround.
setTimeout =>
document.title = title
@publishEvent 'adjustTitle', subtitle, title
, 50
startLinkRouting: ->
route = @settings.routeLinks
return unless route
if $
@$el.on 'click', route, @openLink
@delegate 'click', route, @openLink
stopLinkRouting: ->
route = @settings.routeLinks
if $
@$el.off 'click', route if route
@undelegate 'click', route, @openLink
isExternalLink: (link) ->
link.target is '_blank' or
link.rel is 'external' or
link.protocol not in ['http:', 'https:', 'file:'] or
link.hostname not in [location.hostname, '']
Handle all clicks on A elements and try to route them internally.
openLink: (event) =>
return if utils.modifierKeyPressed(event)
el = if $ then event.currentTarget else event.delegateTarget
isAnchor = el.nodeName is 'A'
Get the href and perform checks on it.
href = el.getAttribute('href') or el.getAttribute('data-href') or null
Basic href checks.
return if not href? or
Technically an empty string is a valid relative URL but it doesn’t make sense to route it.
href is '' or
Exclude fragment links.
href.charAt(0) is '#'
Apply skipRouting option.
skipRouting = @settings.skipRouting
type = typeof skipRouting
return if type is 'function' and not skipRouting(href, el) or
type is 'string' and (if $ then $(el).is(skipRouting) else Backbone.utils.matchesSelector el, skipRouting)
Handle external links.
external = isAnchor and @isExternalLink el
if external
if @settings.openExternalToBlank
Open external links normally in a new tab.
window.open href
Pass to the router, try to route the path internally.
utils.redirectTo url: href
Prevent default handling if the URL could be routed.
Handler for !region:register
Register a single view region or all regions exposed.
registerRegionHandler: (instance, name, selector) ->
if name?
@registerGlobalRegion instance, name, selector
@registerGlobalRegions instance
Registering one region bound to a view.
registerGlobalRegion: (instance, name, selector) ->
Remove the region if there was already one registered perhaps by a base class.
@unregisterGlobalRegion instance, name
Place this region registration into the regions array.
@globalRegions.unshift {instance, name, selector}
Triggered by view; passed in the regions hash. Simply register all regions exposed by it.
registerGlobalRegions: (instance) ->
Regions can be be extended by subclasses, so we need to check the whole prototype chain for matching regions. Regions registered by the more-derived class overwrites the region registered by the less-derived class.
for version in utils.getAllPropertyVersions instance, 'regions'
for name, selector of version
@registerGlobalRegion instance, name, selector
Return nothing.
Handler for !region:unregister
Unregisters single named region or all view regions.
unregisterRegionHandler: (instance, name) ->
if name?
@unregisterGlobalRegion instance, name
@unregisterGlobalRegions instance
Unregisters a specific named region from a view.
unregisterGlobalRegion: (instance, name) ->
cid = instance.cid
@globalRegions = (region for region in @globalRegions when (
region.instance.cid isnt cid or region.name isnt name
When views are disposed; remove all their registered regions.
unregisterGlobalRegions: (instance) ->
@globalRegions = (region for region in @globalRegions when (
region.instance.cid isnt instance.cid
Returns the region by its name, if found.
regionByName: (name) ->
for reg in @globalRegions when reg.name is name and not reg.instance.stale
return reg
When views are instantiated and request for a region assignment; attempt to fulfill it.
showRegion: (name, instance) ->
Find an appropriate region.
region = @regionByName name
Assert that we got a valid region.
throw new Error "No region registered under #{name}" unless region
Apply the region selector.
instance.container = if region.selector is ''
if $
if region.instance.noWrap
if $
$(region.instance.container).find region.selector
region.instance.container.querySelector region.selector
region.instance[if $ then '$' else 'find'] region.selector
dispose: ->
return if @disposed
Stop routing links.
Remove all regions and document title setting.
delete this[prop] for prop in ['globalRegions', 'title', 'route']
mediator.removeHandlers this