'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
mediator = require 'chaplin/mediator'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
Composition = require 'chaplin/lib/composition'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
mediator = require 'chaplin/mediator'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
Composition = require 'chaplin/lib/composition'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
The sole job of the composer is to allow views to be 'composed'.
If the view has already been composed by a previous action then nothing apart from registering the view as in use happens. Else, the view is instantiated and passed the options that were passed in. If an action is routed to where a view that was composed is not re-composed, the composed view is disposed.
module.exports = class Composer
Borrow the static extend method from Backbone
@extend = Backbone.Model.extend
Mixin an EventBroker
_.extend @prototype, EventBroker
The collection of composed compositions
compositions: null
constructor: ->
@initialize arguments...
initialize: (options = {}) ->
Initialize collections.
@compositions = {}
Subscribe to events.
mediator.setHandler 'composer:compose', @compose, this
mediator.setHandler 'composer:retrieve', @retrieve, this
@subscribeEvent 'dispatcher:dispatch', @cleanup
Constructs a composition and composes into the active compositions. This function has several forms as described below:
compose('name', Class[, options]) Composes a class object. The options are passed to the class when an instance is contructed and are further used to test if the composition should be re-composed.
compose('name', function) Composes a function that executes in the context of the controller; do NOT bind the function context.
compose('name', options, function) Composes a function that executes in the context of the controller; do NOT bind the function context and is passed the options as a parameter. The options are further used to test if the composition should be recomposed.
compose('name', options) Gives control over the composition process; the compose method of the options hash is executed in place of the function of form (3) and the check method is called (if present) to determine re-composition ( otherwise this is the same as form [3]).
compose('name', CompositionClass[, options]) Gives complete control over the composition process.
compose: (name, second, third) ->
Normalize the arguments If the second parameter is a function we know it is (1) or (2).
if typeof second is 'function'
This is form (1) or (5) with the optional options hash if the third is an obj or the second parameter's prototype has a dispose method
if third or second::dispose
If the class is a Composition class then it is form (5).
if second.prototype instanceof Composition
return @_compose name, composition: second, options: third
return @_compose name, options: third, compose: ->
The compose method here just constructs the class.
@item = new second @options
Render this item if it has a render method and it either doesn't have an autoRender property or that autoRender property is false
autoRender = @item.autoRender
disabledAutoRender = autoRender is undefined or not autoRender
if disabledAutoRender and typeof @item.render is 'function'
This is form (2).
return @_compose name, compose: second
If the third parameter exists and is a function this is (3).
if typeof third is 'function'
return @_compose name, compose: third, options: second
This must be form (4).
return @_compose name, second
_compose: (name, options) ->
Assert for programmer errors
if typeof options.compose isnt 'function' and not options.composition?
throw new Error 'Composer#compose was used incorrectly'
if options.composition?
Use the passed composition directly
composition = new options.composition options.options
Create the composition and apply the methods (if available)
composition = new Composition options.options
composition.compose = options.compose
composition.check = options.check if options.check
Check for an existing composition
current = @compositions[name]
isPromise = false
Apply the check method
if current and current.check composition.options
Mark the current composition as not stale
current.stale false
Remove the current composition and apply this one
current.dispose() if current
returned = composition.compose composition.options
isPromise = (typeof returned?.then is 'function')
composition.stale false
@compositions[name] = composition
Return the active composition
if isPromise
Retrieves an active composition using the compose method.
retrieve: (name) ->
active = @compositions[name]
(if active and not active.stale() then active.item else undefined)
Declare all compositions as stale and remove all that were previously marked stale without being re-composed.
cleanup: ->
Action method is done; perform post-action clean up Dispose and delete all no-longer-active compositions. Declare all active compositions as de-activated (eg. to be removed on the next controller startup unless they are re-composed).
for name, composition of @compositions
if composition.stale()
delete @compositions[name]
composition.stale true
Return nothing.
dispose: ->
return if @disposed
Unbind handlers of global events
mediator.removeHandlers this
Dispose of all compositions and their items (that can be)
composition.dispose() for name, composition of @compositions
Remove properties
delete @compositions
@disposed = true
You’re frozen when your heart’s not open
Object.freeze? this