'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
View = require 'chaplin/views/view'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
View = require 'chaplin/views/view'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
Shortcut to access the DOM manipulation library.
$ = Backbone.$
filterChildren = (nodeList, selector) ->
return nodeList unless selector
for node in nodeList when Backbone.utils.matchesSelector node, selector
toggleElement = do ->
if $
(elem, visible) -> elem.toggle visible
(elem, visible) ->
elem.style.display = (if visible then '' else 'none')
addClass = do ->
if $
(elem, cls) -> elem.addClass cls
(elem, cls) -> elem.classList.add cls
startAnimation = do ->
if $
(elem, useCssAnimation, cls) ->
if useCssAnimation
addClass elem, cls
elem.css 'opacity', 0
(elem, useCssAnimation, cls) ->
if useCssAnimation
addClass elem, cls
elem.style.opacity = 0
endAnimation = do ->
if $
(elem, duration) -> elem.animate {opacity: 1}, duration
(elem, duration) ->
elem.style.transition = "opacity #{(duration / 1000)}s"
elem.opacity = 1
insertView = do ->
if $
(list, viewEl, position, length, itemSelector) ->
insertInMiddle = (0 < position < length)
isEnd = (length) -> length is 0 or position is length
if insertInMiddle or itemSelector
Get the children which originate from item views.
children = list.children itemSelector
childrenLength = children.length
Check if it needs to be inserted.
unless children[position] is viewEl
if isEnd childrenLength
Insert at the end.
list.append viewEl
Insert at the right position.
if position is 0
children.eq(position).before viewEl
children.eq(position - 1).after viewEl
method = if isEnd length then 'append' else 'prepend'
list[method] viewEl
(list, viewEl, position, length, itemSelector) ->
insertInMiddle = (0 < position < length)
isEnd = (length) -> length is 0 or position is length
if insertInMiddle or itemSelector
Get the children which originate from item views.
children = filterChildren list.children, itemSelector
childrenLength = children.length
Check if it needs to be inserted.
unless children[position] is viewEl
if isEnd childrenLength
Insert at the end.
list.appendChild viewEl
else if position is 0
Insert at the right position.
list.insertBefore viewEl, children[position]
last = children[position - 1]
if list.lastChild is last
list.appendChild viewEl
list.insertBefore viewEl, last.nextElementSibling
else if isEnd length
list.appendChild viewEl
list.insertBefore viewEl, list.firstChild
General class for rendering Collections.
Derive this class and declare at least itemView
or override
. initItemView
gets an item model and should instantiate
and return a corresponding item view.
module.exports = class CollectionView extends View
These options may be overwritten in derived classes.
A class of item in collection. This property has to be overridden by a derived class.
itemView: null
Per default, render the view itself and all items on creation.
autoRender: true
renderItems: true
When new items are added, their views are faded in. Animation duration in milliseconds (set to 0 to disable fade in)
animationDuration: 500
By default, fading in is done by javascript function which can be slow on mobile devices. CSS animations are faster, but require user’s manual definitions.
useCssAnimation: false
CSS classes that will be used when hiding / showing child views.
animationStartClass: 'animated-item-view'
animationEndClass: 'animated-item-view-end'
A collection view may have a template and use one of its child elements
as the container of the item views. If you specify listSelector
, the
item views will be appended to this element. If empty, $el is used.
listSelector: null
The actual element which is fetched using listSelector
$list: null
Selector for a fallback element which is shown if the collection is empty.
fallbackSelector: null
The actual element which is fetched using fallbackSelector
$fallback: null
Selector for a loading indicator element which is shown while the collection is syncing.
loadingSelector: null
The actual element which is fetched using loadingSelector
$loading: null
Selector which identifies child elements belonging to collection If empty, all children of $list are considered. Not null, because of Zepto bug https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/pull/768.
itemSelector: undefined
The filter function, if any.
filterer: null
A function that will be executed after each filter. Hides excluded items by default.
filterCallback: (view, included) ->
view.$el.stop(true, true) if $
toggleElement (if $ then view.$el else view.el), included
Track a list of the visible views.
visibleItems: null
optionNames: View::optionNames.concat ['renderItems', 'itemView']
constructor: (options) ->
Initialize list for visible items.
@visibleItems = []
initialize: (options = {}) ->
Apply a filter if one provided.
@filter options.filterer if options.filterer?
Binding of collection listeners.
addCollectionListeners: ->
@listenTo @collection, 'add', @itemAdded
@listenTo @collection, 'remove', @itemRemoved
@listenTo @collection, 'reset sort', @itemsReset
Override View#getTemplateData, don’t serialize collection items here.
getTemplateData: ->
templateData = {length: @collection.length}
If the collection is a SyncMachine, add a synced
if typeof @collection.isSynced is 'function'
templateData.synced = @collection.isSynced()
In contrast to normal views, a template is not mandatory
for CollectionViews. Provide an empty getTemplateFunction
getTemplateFunction: ->
Main render method (should be called only once)
render: ->
Set the $list property with the actual list container.
listSelector = _.result this, 'listSelector'
if $
@$list = if listSelector then @$(listSelector) else @$el
@list = if listSelector then @find(@listSelector) else @el
Render all items.
@renderAllItems() if @renderItems
When an item is added, create a new view and insert it.
itemAdded: (item, collection, options) =>
@insertView item, @renderItem(item), options.at
When an item is removed, remove the corresponding view from DOM and caches.
itemRemoved: (item) =>
@removeViewForItem item
When all items are resetted, render all anew.
itemsReset: =>
initFallback: ->
return unless @fallbackSelector
Set the $fallback property.
if $
@$fallback = @$ @fallbackSelector
@fallback = @find @fallbackSelector
Listen for visible items changes.
@on 'visibilityChange', @toggleFallback
Listen for sync events on the collection.
@listenTo @collection, 'syncStateChange', @toggleFallback
Set visibility initially.
Show fallback if no item is visible and the collection is synced.
toggleFallback: =>
visible = @visibleItems.length is 0 and (
if typeof @collection.isSynced is 'function'
Collection is a SyncMachine.
Assume it is synced.
toggleElement (if $ then @$fallback else @fallback), visible
initLoadingIndicator: ->
The loading indicator only works for Collections which are SyncMachines.
return unless @loadingSelector and
typeof @collection.isSyncing is 'function'
Set the $loading property.
if $
@$loading = @$ @loadingSelector
@loading = @find @loadingSelector
Listen for sync events on the collection.
@listenTo @collection, 'syncStateChange', @toggleLoadingIndicator
Set visibility initially.
toggleLoadingIndicator: ->
Only show the loading indicator if the collection is empty. Otherwise loading more items in order to append them would show the loading indicator. If you want the indicator to show up in this case, you need to overwrite this method to disable the check.
visible = @collection.length is 0 and @collection.isSyncing()
toggleElement (if $ then @$loading else @loading), visible
Filters only child item views from all current subviews.
getItemViews: ->
itemViews = {}
if @subviews.length > 0
for name, view of @subviewsByName when name.slice(0, 9) is 'itemView:'
itemViews[name.slice(9)] = view
Applies a filter to the collection view. Expects an iterator function as first parameter which need to return true or false. Optional filter callback which is called to show/hide the view or mark it otherwise as filtered.
filter: (filterer, filterCallback) ->
Save the filterer and filterCallback functions.
if typeof filterer is 'function' or filterer is null
@filterer = filterer
if typeof filterCallback is 'function' or filterCallback is null
@filterCallback = filterCallback
hasItemViews = do =>
if @subviews.length > 0
for name of @subviewsByName when name.slice(0, 9) is 'itemView:'
return true
Show/hide existing views.
if hasItemViews
for item, index in @collection.models
Apply filter to the item.
included = if typeof @filterer is 'function'
@filterer item, index
Show/hide the view accordingly.
view = @subview "itemView:#{item.cid}"
A view has not been created for this item yet.
unless view
throw new Error 'CollectionView#filter: ' +
"no view found for #{item.cid}"
Show/hide or mark the view accordingly.
@filterCallback view, included
Update visibleItems list, but do not trigger an event immediately.
@updateVisibleItems view.model, included, false
Trigger a combined visibilityChange
@trigger 'visibilityChange', @visibleItems
Render and insert all items.
renderAllItems: =>
items = @collection.models
Reset visible items.
@visibleItems = []
Collect remaining views.
remainingViewsByCid = {}
for item in items
view = @subview "itemView:#{item.cid}"
if view
View remains.
remainingViewsByCid[item.cid] = view
Remove old views of items not longer in the list.
for own cid, view of @getItemViews() when cid not of remainingViewsByCid
Remove the view.
@removeSubview "itemView:#{cid}"
Re-insert remaining items; render and insert new items.
for item, index in items
Check if view was already created.
view = @subview "itemView:#{item.cid}"
if view
Re-insert the view.
@insertView item, view, index, false
Create a new view, render and insert it.
@insertView item, @renderItem(item), index
If no view was created, trigger visibilityChange
event manually.
@trigger 'visibilityChange', @visibleItems if items.length is 0
Instantiate and render an item using the viewsByCid
hash as a cache.
renderItem: (item) ->
Get the existing view.
view = @subview "itemView:#{item.cid}"
Instantiate a new view if necessary.
unless view
view = @initItemView item
Save the view in the subviews.
@subview "itemView:#{item.cid}", view
Render in any case.
Returns an instance of the view class. Override this method to use several item view constructors depending on the model type or data.
initItemView: (model) ->
if @itemView
new @itemView {autoRender: false, model}
throw new Error 'The CollectionView#itemView property ' +
'must be defined or the initItemView() must be overridden.'
Inserts a view into the list at the proper position.
insertView: (item, view, position, enableAnimation = true) ->
enableAnimation = false if @animationDuration is 0
Get the insertion offset if not given.
unless typeof position is 'number'
position = @collection.indexOf item
Is the item included in the filter?
included = if typeof @filterer is 'function'
@filterer item, position
Get the view’s top element.
elem = if $ then view.$el else view.el
Start animation.
if included and enableAnimation
startAnimation elem, @useCssAnimation, @animationStartClass
Hide or mark the view if it’s filtered.
@filterCallback view, included if @filterer
length = @collection.length
Insert the view into the list.
list = if $ then @$list else @list
insertView list, elem, position, length, @itemSelector
Tell the view that it was added to its parent.
view.trigger 'addedToParent'
Update the list of visible items, trigger a visibilityChange
@updateVisibleItems item, included
End animation.
if included and enableAnimation
if @useCssAnimation
Wait for DOM state change.
setTimeout (=> addClass elem, @animationEndClass), 0
Fade the view in if it was made transparent before.
endAnimation elem, @animationDuration
Remove the view for an item.
removeViewForItem: (item) ->
Remove item from visibleItems list, trigger a visibilityChange
@updateVisibleItems item, false
@removeSubview "itemView:#{item.cid}"
Update visibleItems list and trigger a visibilityChanged
if an item changed its visibility.
updateVisibleItems: (item, includedInFilter, triggerEvent = true) ->
visibilityChanged = false
visibleItemsIndex = utils.indexOf @visibleItems, item
includedInVisibleItems = visibleItemsIndex isnt -1
if includedInFilter and not includedInVisibleItems
Add item to the visible items list.
@visibleItems.push item
visibilityChanged = true
else if not includedInFilter and includedInVisibleItems
Remove item from the visible items list.
@visibleItems.splice visibleItemsIndex, 1
visibilityChanged = true
Trigger a visibilityChange
event if the visible items changed.
if visibilityChanged and triggerEvent
@trigger 'visibilityChange', @visibleItems
dispose: ->
return if @disposed
Remove jQuery objects, item view cache and visible items list.
properties = ['$list', '$fallback', '$loading', 'visibleItems']
delete this[prop] for prop in properties