'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
support = require 'chaplin/lib/support'
'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
support = require 'chaplin/lib/support'
utils =
Prototypal delegation. Create an object which delegates to another object.
beget: do ->
if typeof Object.create is 'function'
ctor = ->
(obj) ->
ctor.prototype = obj
new ctor
indexOf: do ->
if Array::indexOf
(list, index) -> list.indexOf index
else if _.indexOf
isArray: Array.isArray or _.isArray
Simple duck-typing serializer for models and collections.
serialize: (data) ->
if typeof data.serialize is 'function'
else if typeof data.toJSON is 'function'
throw new TypeError 'utils.serialize: Unknown data was passed'
Make properties readonly and not configurable using ECMAScript 5 property descriptors.
readonly: do ->
if support.propertyDescriptors
readonlyDescriptor =
writable: false
enumerable: true
configurable: false
(obj, properties...) ->
for prop in properties
readonlyDescriptor.value = obj[prop]
Object.defineProperty obj, prop, readonlyDescriptor
Get the whole chain of object prototypes.
getPrototypeChain: (object) ->
chain = [object.constructor.prototype]
while object = object.constructor?.__super__ ? object.constructor?.superclass
chain.push object
Get all property versions from object’s prototype chain.
E.g. if object1 & object2 have prop
and object2 inherits from
object1, it will get [object1prop, object2prop].
getAllPropertyVersions: (object, property) ->
result = []
for proto in utils.getPrototypeChain object
value = proto[property]
if value and value not in result
result.push value
Upcase the first character.
upcase: (str) ->
str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1)
Escapes a string to use in a regex.
escapeRegExp: (str) ->
return String(str or '').replace /([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'
Returns whether a modifier key is pressed during a keypress or mouse click.
modifierKeyPressed: (event) ->
event.shiftKey or event.altKey or event.ctrlKey or event.metaKey
Returns the url for a named route and any params.
reverse: (criteria, params, query) ->
require('chaplin/mediator').execute 'router:reverse', criteria, params, query
Redirects to URL, route name or controller and action pair.
redirectTo: (pathDesc, params, options) ->
require('chaplin/mediator').execute 'router:route', pathDesc, params, options
Returns a query string from a hash
stringify: (queryParams) ->
query = ''
stringifyKeyValuePair = (encodedKey, value) ->
if value? then '&' + encodedKey + '=' + encodeURIComponent value else ''
for own key, value of queryParams
encodedKey = encodeURIComponent key
if utils.isArray value
for arrParam in value
query += stringifyKeyValuePair encodedKey, arrParam
query += stringifyKeyValuePair encodedKey, value
query and query.substring 1
Returns a hash with query parameters from a query string
parse: (queryString) ->
params = {}
return params unless queryString
pairs = queryString.split '&'
for pair in pairs
continue unless pair.length
[field, value] = pair.split '='
continue unless field.length
field = decodeURIComponent field
value = decodeURIComponent value
current = params[field]
if current
Handle multiple params with same name: Aggregate them in an array.
if current.push
Add the existing array.
current.push value
Create a new array.
params[field] = [current, value]
params[field] = value
Seal the utils object.
Object.seal? utils
Return our creation.
module.exports = utils