'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
'use strict'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
EventBroker = require 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'
Private helper function for serializing attributes recursively, creating objects which delegate to the original attributes in order to protect them from changes.
serializeAttributes = (model, attributes, modelStack) ->
Create a delegator object.
delegator = utils.beget attributes
Add model to stack.
modelStack ?= {}
modelStack[model.cid] = true
Map model/collection to their attributes. Create a property on the delegator that shadows the original attribute.
for key, value of attributes
Handle models.
if value instanceof Backbone.Model
delegator[key] = serializeModelAttributes value, model, modelStack
Handle collections.
else if value instanceof Backbone.Collection
serializedModels = []
for otherModel in value.models
serializeModelAttributes(otherModel, model, modelStack)
delegator[key] = serializedModels
Remove model from stack.
delete modelStack[model.cid]
Return the delegator.
Serialize the attributes of a given model in the context of a given tree.
serializeModelAttributes = (model, currentModel, modelStack) ->
Nullify circular references.
return null if model is currentModel or model.cid of modelStack
Serialize recursively.
attributes = if typeof model.getAttributes is 'function'
Chaplin models.
Backbone models.
serializeAttributes model, attributes, modelStack
Abstraction that adds some useful functionality to backbone model.
module.exports = class Model extends Backbone.Model
Mixin an EventBroker.
_.extend @prototype, EventBroker
This method is used to get the attributes for the view template
and might be overwritten by decorators which cannot create a
proper attributes
getter due to ECMAScript 3 limits.
getAttributes: ->
Return an object which delegates to the attributes (i.e. an object which has the attributes as prototype) so primitive values might be added and altered safely. Map models to their attributes, recursively.
serialize: ->
serializeAttributes this, @getAttributes()
disposed: false
dispose: ->
return if @disposed
Fire an event to notify associated collections and views.
@trigger 'dispose', this
Unbind all global event handlers.
Unbind all referenced handlers.
Remove all event handlers on this module.
Remove the collection reference, internal attribute hashes and event handlers.
properties = [
'attributes', 'changed'
'_escapedAttributes', '_previousAttributes',
'_silent', '_pending',
delete this[prop] for prop in properties
@disposed = true
You’re frozen when your heart’s not open.
Object.freeze? this