'use strict'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
_ = require 'underscore'
support = require 'chaplin/lib/support'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
'use strict'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
_ = require 'underscore'
support = require 'chaplin/lib/support'
utils = require 'chaplin/lib/utils'
The mediator is a simple object all other modules use to communicate with each other. It implements the Publish/Subscribe pattern.
Additionally, it holds objects which need to be shared between modules.
In this case, a user
property is created for getting the user object
and a setUser
method for setting the user.
This module returns the singleton object. This is the application-wide mediator you might load into modules which need to talk to other modules using Publish/Subscribe.
Start with a simple object
mediator = {}
Mixin event methods from Backbone.Events, create Publish/Subscribe aliases.
mediator.subscribe = Backbone.Events.on
mediator.unsubscribe = Backbone.Events.off
mediator.publish = Backbone.Events.trigger
Initialize an empty callback list so we might seal the mediator later.
mediator._callbacks = null
Request / Response --–---------------
Like pub / sub, but with one handler. Similar to OOP message passing.
handlers = mediator._handlers = {}
Sets a handler function for requests.
mediator.setHandler = (name, method, instance) ->
handlers[name] = {instance, method}
Retrieves a handler function and executes it.
mediator.execute = (nameOrObj, args...) ->
silent = false
if typeof nameOrObj is 'object'
silent = nameOrObj.silent
name = nameOrObj.name
name = nameOrObj
handler = handlers[name]
if handler
handler.method.apply handler.instance, args
else if not silent
throw new Error "mediator.execute: #{name} handler is not defined"
Removes handlers from storage. Can take no args, list of handler names or instance which had bound handlers.
mediator.removeHandlers = (instanceOrNames) ->
unless instanceOrNames
mediator._handlers = {}
if utils.isArray instanceOrNames
for name in instanceOrNames
delete handlers[name]
for name, handler of handlers when handler.instance is instanceOrNames
delete handlers[name]
Make properties readonly.
utils.readonly mediator,
'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'publish', 'setHandler', 'execute', 'removeHandlers'
After adding all needed properties, you should seal the mediator using this method.
mediator.seal = ->
Prevent extensions and make all properties non-configurable.
if support.propertyDescriptors and Object.seal
Object.seal mediator
Make the method readonly.
utils.readonly mediator, 'seal'
Return our creation.
module.exports = mediator